This study evaluated the effects of immediately treating a developing hospital acquired deep tissue injury with medical honey dressing and air-fluidized therapy, in addition to routine preventative care. Examining 41 DTIs over the course of 18 months, only 4.4% deteriorated to unstageable full thickness wounds, while 46.3% of DTIs were resolved or only progressed to Stage II. Utilization of this protocol resulted in a net savings of approximately 3 million dollars related to the 39 DTIs that did not deteriorate.
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Care Settings: Acute Care
Clinical Focus: Pressure Ulcer Management
Content Type: Abstracts / Posters
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Reference: Magliato B, Davis S, Kimsza-Mendes B. In the critically ill patient, what is the effect of air-fluidized therapy in comparison to the standard of care on preventing the deterioration of deep tissue injuries? Presented at: Regional WOCN Conference; 2014; New England.