Finger Traps: Doubles, #A-30522, #R-30522
Mix and Match. Finger Trap Doubles, 2 per hook. Four color-coded sizes available.
- Single-use
- CE marked
Doubles (2 per hook)*
#A-30522-7 = Double, Extra Large
#A-30522-1 = Double, Large
#A-30522-3 = Double, Medium
#A-30522-6 = Double, Small
Buy in Bulk. Cases of finger trap doubles, 8 per case.
#R-30522-7 = Double, Extra Large
#R-30522-1 = Double, Large
#R-30522-3 = Double, Medium
#R-30522-6 = Double, Small
Finger Traps: Singles, #A-30522, #R-30522
Mix and Match. Finger Trap Singles, 1 per hook. Five color-coded sizes available.
- Single-use
- CE marked
Singles (1 per hook)*
#A-30522-8 = Single, Extra Large
#A-30522-2 = Single, Large
#A-30522-4 = Single, Medium
#A-30522-5 = Single, Small
#A-30522-9 = Single, Pediatric
#A-30522-2 = Single, Large
#A-30522-4 = Single, Medium
#A-30522-5 = Single, Small
#A-30522-9 = Single, Pediatric
Buy in Bulk. Cases of finger trap singles, 8 per case.
#R-30522-8 = Single, Extra Large
#R-30522-2 = Single, Large
#R-30522-4 = Single, Medium
#R-30522-5 = Single, Small
#R-30522-9 = Single, Pediatric
Finger Traps: Sterile Starter Kits, #R-30522-888, #R-30522-999
- Single-use
- CE marked
Single Starter Kit (1 included)
Double Starter Kit (1 included)
Technical Specifications
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